More Scenes From July 1952 |
Old Golds |
"We don't jockey around with medical claims...
If you want a TREAT instead of a TREATMENT smoke Old Golds."
Compulsive gambling and nicotine addiction get
a sunny salute from this growth-stunted jockey at Santa Anita
Park. Mystery respiratory problems vexing you smokers? Maybe
with those other brands, but not ours. But don't take our
word for it:
"This conclusion was established on evidence
by the United States Government."
Sounds good to me, Uncle Sam, and don't worry
- I got you down for a sawbuck on "Granny's Bloomers"
in the sixth.
Lockheed Aircraft Corporation |
"Faster than a cup of coffee, Lockheed Starfires
destroy an air invader," proclaims this celebration of
high altitude, remote control combat.
"A Lockheed F-94C can take off from a cold start, climb
7 miles in any weather, locate enemy bomber automatically,
destroy the invader, without ever seeing it."
That's right, Bobby and Sally, commie bombers eliminated,
no messy spills and nothing to clean up. Just the rich aroma
of the fresh coffee back at the hangar. Everything's rosy
until nearly overnight ICBMs and sub-launchers pulled the
plug on this proto-Missile Defense fantasy for a fancy new
gimmick: Mutual Assured Destruction.
Think 50 years have changed everything? Take your browser
to today's Washington Post online. While you read about the
latest hits and misses in U.S. foreign policy, the ad banner
pops up for an F-22 jet fighter over a desert backdrop. The
sternly justified suits of Lockheed-Martin/Boeing/Pratt &
Whitney inform us the "Raptor" exists "To Preserve,
Protect & Defend The Constitution. All In Favor Of Air
Dominance Say 'Aye.'"
If you say so. Let's just hope our pilots overseas do a better
job than the ones at the local air shows.
Schlitz |
"The beer that made Milwaukee
famous" |
"A couple of friends. An outboard motor.
Some inboard Schlitz." Drunken adventures in boating, you
say? Hell yes, we say. Practicing through WWII helped America
hold its alcohol. Drunken grandmas were piloting 3,000 lb road
boats steady as a plow line. A day on the lake? No problem.
Plus you knew you could count on "satisfying Schlitz holding
together the contentment cycle," say the suits on Madison
Avenue, channeling some kind of New Age ad babble a full 20
years ahead of its time. One thing we do know, a case of Schlitz
the night before guarantees a painful case of the Schlitz in
the morning. Not to take away from its "gusto," but
let's hear it for the most unfortunately named beer of all time. |
Shell X-100 Motor Oil |
Speaking of time travel, what to make of this
reverse engineered tribute to bad-trip psychedelia?
"Your engine makes this much Acid every day," warn
the suits at Shell, sending a rainbow colored gremlin with
a bubbling beaker to menace a helpless V-8. Actually at that
moment it was Sandoz Labs in Switzerland that was passing
around the beakers of acid. In fact, a postcard and a few
pennies of postage with a doctor's letterhead would return
you gratis a courtesy sample of a few thousand laboratory
doses of pure LSD. Odd times, the Fifties.
"Hourglass on the Beach" |
This Life feature on scanty swimwear assures
us that "the bikini, a style rejected in America, is enjoying
a revival in France." It's buried on page 71, but you can
bet that didn't prevent it from being hidden from the kids (and
dad) by watchful moms across the nation.
Even new shots of nuclear tests levelling Nevada
ghost towns can't compete with America's other burgeoning
atomic superpower: popular sexuality. Waiting in the wings
that month? High school trucker Elvis Presley and aspiring
cartoonist Hugh Hefner.
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