KRISTIELEE: It was definitely spontaneous. I
wasn't planning on doing it at all. If I was planning
on it I would have probably worn something else. I had
like two layers of clothes on
and it was freezing out that day. I had platform shoes
on. I couldn't run in them so I had to run in my socks.
So I definitely didn't plan it, it was a spontaneous
thing. I think when I mentioned it, it was like two
innings before I finally did it. I told my friend, I
think I'm gonna give Derek [Jeter, the Yankees' star
shortstop] my phone number. And she's like, yeah, right!
Cut it out! She goes, we're not going to be able to
make our plans tonight. And I'm like, yeah, but it's
opening day, I think I'm just gonna go with it. So I
I'm pretty quick but I knew I'd probably get caught.
But I didn't know I'd go to jail in the night. I didn't
know I would have all these fines and court dates. It's
totally gotten crazy. I had no idea it was going to
turn into this.
Five-O: Were they nice
to you?
KW: (emphatically) No.
When I finally got into police custody they were kinda
nice to me but the guy who was chasing me around
the stadium was kinda pissed when he caught me because
I kept getting away from him. There was one moment on
the field where he had my arms and I would kinda walk
with him and then when he least expected it, I bolted.
So he was a little annoyed. When he passed me off to
the police, he's like, hold onto her, she's a worm!
You know, like he was kinda mad. But then the cops,
they were kinda cool about it. But then when I had to
go to this jail part, they were mean.
First I was in a paddy wagon for probably like an hour.
It seemed like three. Police take me to the precinct,
they do all the paperwork. Then they say I have to go
stay overnight and see the judge in the morning. At
that point I was like, oh my God, you know? I had to
go to jail in the Bronx. There was like 20 other inmates
in there. It was all walks of life really. It was crazy.
There was crackheads there. It's the Bronx. So I definitely
didn't fit in.
I had been in there for so long and I was like starving
and finally this crate comes in with baloney sandwiches,
but only enough for
the amount of inmates that are in there. So I get up
and I go to get my sandwich and this big like burly
girl comes, you know. She was getting her sandwich and
she was like, you ain't gonna eat that are you? She
just totally stole my baloney sandwich from me. I was
like, naw, I wasn't really hungry, you can have it.
I was gonna get my ass kicked in the Bronx for a baloney
sandwich (laughs). If it was like my home town, I would
have stood up for myself. Because in my home town nobody
fights. But in the Bronx, like I definitely backed down.
And there was no place to sit. There was like three
benches and everyone was on the floor and there was
bugs there, it was horrible. It was horrible. At one
point there was a bug on me and I started screaming.
And when I was screaming, I woke up all
these crackheads that were sleeping on the floor. And
then the security guard like ran in, he's like what's
the matter? Why are you screaming? I'm like, there's
a bug on me! I was totally freaking out. And all these
girls were like so pissed. They were like, Shit, girl!
You ain't never seen a bug before? Jesus Christ! Where
you live you ain't never seen no cockroach? They were
all pissed off at me, they couldn't even believe that
like I was screaming over a bug. But the bug actually
took me by surprise. It was on me and I was like, "Ahhh!"
The other inmates thought I was a prima donna, which
I've so never been my whole entire life, but in that
particular situation I happened to be, you know?
Like one girl was in there, she just stabbed her husband.
It was bad. So that's something I never, ever, ever
want to experience again.
So I go to see the judge in the morning. And he assigned
a court date for me, or I thought I'd get a court date
in the mail.
Five-O: So they put
you out but you don't have you stuff, right?
KW: Nothing. So now
I'm in the Bronx with no money, I'm in my socks. I called
my friend and she drove from Jersey. It took her like
two hours to get there so I'm sitting outside the Bronx
jail freezing. It was really bad.
When I was in jail that morning one of the security
guards slipped me the New York Post under the
door. I looked at why and I was like, oh my God, I'm
in the Post. Then like all the other inmates
were like, what? And I'm like, that's me. And they're
like, what'd you do? And I'm like, I gave Derek my number.
They're like, you're crazy! They're like, he's gonna call
you. When I was released everyone was cool with me but
in the beginning they hated me.
I was inside 16 hours. That's a long time.
It was in all the papers. Daily News, New
York Times, Newsday. It was crazy. I didn't
really think it would do that. When I got arrested again
at Bergdorf-Goodman's, that's when I was on the cover
of the Post.
Five-O: Why did you
miss your first court date?
KW: I assumed they were
going to send me something in the mail stating court
date. Because I've gotten tickets before, you know,
sometimes they just send you notices in the mail of
your court date. So I was waiting and didn't get anything.
It's been so crazy, I've been so busy, I'm waiting,
waiting, never got anything. And I finally get a letter
in the mail, and I go, it's about time, because I see
it's from the Bronx, I open it up, it says you
missed your court date, there's a warrant for your arrest.
I call the public defender, I'm like what is this?
He was like, you missed your court date. I'm like, I
didn't know. He says, you need
to get in here as soon as possible, there's a warrant
for your arrest. I'm like, I need to work, I'll come
in on my day off. The cops made one of my friends tell
them where I worked. So I came in to work and they were
waiting for me at my counter. They arrested me and they
took me out in handcuffs. It was very embarrassing because
Bergdorf-Goodman is a very prestigious store and no
one ever gets arrested. I'm getting walked out by police
and security. And everyone's looking at me like, did
she just steal a diamond bracelet? What did she do?
And I wish I could tell everyone, I only gave Derek
my phone number, you know what I mean? Because everyone's
looking at me like I just robbed a mink coat upstairs.
I think the police thought it was a funny thing, like
they'd rather pick
me up than get some crackhead. They're like, let's go
get this girl, this is a joke, this'll be an easy day.
And I said to them, why didn't you just come to my house?
Why did you just embarrass me at my work, you know?
And he was like, oh, New York was closer, we didn't
feel like going to Jersey.
I'm like, oh cool, now I'm going to get fired.
The judge just gave me a new court date. I wasn't really
that much in the press at that point, until the next
day it was on the cover, the headline said, "Busted
at Bergdorf's!"
My family is over it, totally. My dad, he doesn't think
that's the best way to go about it, he's kinda old fashioned
and he thinks it's a little forward and overbearing.
I said, Dad, it's really hard to stand out in like,
55,000 people in a stadium. It was more of a funny,
joke kind of thing. Yeah, I dig Derek, whatever, but
I'm not obsessed with him. I know a lotta places he
goes and hangs out. I could go there and eventually
run into him, but I haven't even attempted any of that.
My life's kinda busy and I'm not that, like, into it,
you know?
On my website there's a guest book and some people
wrote some really mean things, but then I got 6,000
emails of people like
totally: you did what every girl dreams about doing
but only you did it, you know? One lady emailed me,
she said she was in love with this pitcher from the
Braves when she was young. She's like 50 now. She would
always go to the Yankee Stadium games, but only when
they play the Braves. She's like, I always wanted to
try to meet him or get his attention, I was so in love
with him, and I never had the guts to do anything like
that. She goes, I don't know you but I've been following
your story. And that was really nice. I emailed her
back and we keep in touch still.
I got like 20 nasty, nasty emails and five thousand
like awesome ones.
KW: I used to sing in
a band for three years but I didn't play guitar at that
point. When the band broke up I picked up guitar, I've
been playing for a year. I write all my songs, original
music. Lately I've been trying to pursue acting, but
music has always been my outlet, I love it. For me music
is an outlet, a release, not a career. Songwriters in
the round, I'll do that sometimes. It's like 10 different
songwriters we all sit on stage in a circle, we all
play our original music for the other songwriters and
talk about what we wrote the song about. It's a spontaneous
thing, not like a show.
My fifteen minutes was over a long time ago.
All the talk shows were calling, "Today Show",
"Inside Edition", Fox local, Fox international,
Greta van Sustren, there were six talk shows that called
that first day, and it basically died down, like anything.
The Post keeps wanting to do follow-ups, they
tried to dress me like Derek Jeter's ex-girlfriends.
I've been going to a lot of muscular dystrophy benefits,
I've been invited to stuff like that, which I love.
You meet a lot of people there. I went to one with Roger
Cedano from the Mets. They wanted the Jeter girl to
be with the Met guy. And I went to a John Starks benefit.
It's a good cause. I played a celebrity softball game,
a David Cone benefit.
I have to see the judge. Oh my God, I don't know if
it's October 3rd or October 30th. The form here says
the 3rd, but the newspaper
says the 30th. I have to straighten that out. They wanted
to give me like 15 days community service and a fine.
But my lawyer says that's kind of a lot because for
people who normally trespass, they only get two days
community service. They're trying to make an example.
I got a public defender. They tried to make me get
a lawyer. I go, no way, I totally need a public defender
and they let me do it.
Five-O: Have people
called and said, I'm not Jeter or anything, but will
you go out with me?
KW: Tons of people.
And I never responded. It's the same kinda thing. Like
Derek probably didn't call me because he thinks I'm
psycho, you know what I'm saying? If he had any idea
who I was, he'd be in love with me. And these other
guys that email me and say, I'm not Derek but I'm a
great catch, I'm sure that they probably are, but I
think they're psycho for emailing me. Not really, but
I'm not going to even get into that.
I was just at the Yankee game, a Saturday game.
Five-O: You had no urge
to crash the field this time, right?
KW: I totally did! I
was so close. I coulda hopped over the wall and been
like, hey. I had promised that I wouldn't. I know that
I'm in all this trouble in New York and if I did that,
New York would just hand my ass to me.
Five-O: But Derek was
right there.
KW: He was so right
there. What am I, gonna run out there and go, why didn't
you call me? I'll look ridiculous.
I'm really attracted to people like that in the limelight.
I don't know what's wrong with me. I think that they're
interesting, intriguing, whatever. I don't fantasize
about it. When Derek plays ball, I'm so attracted to
him. He's so good. It's phenomenal. But I don't know.
He could be the biggest jerk. I'm almost afraid to meet
him. He's kind of dorky. There's nothing wrong with
When I did the charity softball game, I played in that
and David Wells was there and David Cone, it was his
benefit, and Don Larsen,
like these are the only three Yankees that ever pitched
a perfect game. So they were there to start off the
pitch for the tournament and I was playing second base
and I made this really awesome play. It was the best.
This guy hit it over the right fielder's head, so the
right fielder goes out for the ball. It was really far,
so me being the second baseman, I go out for the cut
off. So the right fielder throws me the cut off and
I turn and I see the runner going for third. So I gunned
it from right field to third, I threw him out. It was
awesome! I threw my glove in the air, I was all psyched.
And David Cone was like, Holy Shit! Out of everything
that happened, that was probably the greatest moment
right there, when I threw the guy out at third and David
Cone saw it.
Five-O: Did you hear
about the two guys that ran out of the stands and beat
up that coach [from the K.C. Royals]?
KW: What is that? And
there is a picture of me next to THEM in the papers.
That's disgusting. That's a disgrace. That gives us
runners out-on-the-field, like, a bad name. 