Eric Wrinkle: I think I was about
14 years old, probably 1983. They were filming T.J. Hooker on
the residential side of North Hollywood Park, so me and a couple
friends walked over to watch the filming.
And sure enough, there's William Shatner and Adrian Zmed
there, doing their
little takes. And in between takes, Adrian Zmed, he's Mr.
Personality. He's there, he's working the crowd. Little teen-age
girls are all giggly and getting his autograph. He had the
good hair and he was just being Mr. Congeniality, you know.
There's him doing his thing, then way over to the side, there's
the lone, dark horse it's William Shatner standing
by himself with a beer in his hand, talking to no one, saying
nothing, just staring off into space doing his own thing.
Five-O: Was he drinking from
a cup or a can?
Eric: I think it was in one
of those clear plastic party cups, disposable throw
away cups. They're doing this scene where the police car is
parked in front of the park and then they run out and get
into the car and then peel the tires and burn out and take
off. And they're like spraying chemicals on the tires to make
them smoke. And, you know, Shatner's like passing his beer
off to his lackey or whatever when he was ready to do the
scene. It's just funny, you know, because police and drunk
driving don't usually mix.
Five-O: What's Heather Locklear
Eric: There was no chick.
It was just William Shatner and Adrian Zmed. And they couldn't
be anymore opposite in appearance
and everything. So ultimately we're sitting here watching
this. I don't know how come they had to do so many takes of
this stupid scene, it's just them speeding away from the park
but you know, accidently I end up standing next to
Shatner, and I'm not even really aware of it. And he kinda
looks down at me and he's, you know, grumpy and he's got his
beer in his hand. And he says to me something along the lines
of, Ugh, I suppose you want an autograph too. And so like
real casually I just look up at him and I go, Well I suppose
you guessed wrong.
But I'm thinking in my head, what the fuck? Fuck you, what
are you talking about? (laughter).
That's the big story. That's the
day I put William Shatner in his place. And ironically, he
and I have the same birthday. March 22nd.
Five-O: And every time some
Shatner disaster is in the news, you get to remember that
Eric: I do. I mean, I think
about that all the time. Whenever I see him, I think of that
Five-O: At that time what
were you guys watching in your house?
Eric: I think I was actually
watching T.J.
Hooker. I can remember that show being popular, CHiPS was
Five-O: What about the A-Team?
Eric: The A-Team was popular,
definitely, great show. Magnum P.I. I think is still going.
Five-O: The Dukes get any
play at your place?
Eric: Dukes of Hazzard, yes.
I think Charlie's Angels is dead by now. Dukes are on their
last legs too.
Five-O: But then there's the
dawn of these other kind of shows, like I guess MacGyver,
Eric: Air Wolf. Knight Rider.
A little David Hasselhoff.
Five-O: Didn't Miami Vice
start about that year?
'83/'84 Miami Vice was definitely going. The pink stupid shirts
they were wearing. Izod.
Five-O: Shatner is Mr. TV.
So what about "Star Trek" you guys watch
Eric: They were still showing
the reruns of the original ones. Yeah, we were watching that.
Superman the Movie was still big.
Five-O: E.T. came out summer
Eric: Poltergeist was like
'83. That was a great one.
Five-O: Gnarly. Absolutely
gnarly. Damn, I know there's shows just as bad as T.J. Hooker
that we gotta name-check in this thing.
Eric: I think CHiPS was pretty
bad. (sings CHiPS theme)
Five-O: I guess it was still
prime time for Love Boat, Fantasy Island and all that crap
Eric: Those were bad but everybody
watched them!
Five-O: They were on every
set in America. Love Boat would be on
everywhere you went. Every
house you went to.
Eric: But you know what, now
I like shows like Law & Order. The Shield. But I miss
those dumb pointless TV series, you know. You don't have any
of that now. Now everything's trying to be so high brow. Have
good writing and great intellectual context and all that.
It's like
Five-O: Where's the squealing
Eric: Yeah! Where's the bad
punch line? We need more cheese. California I thought was
famous for the cheese.
Five-O: Oh man, I never thought
I'd be accusing Hollywood of having too much integrity, but
that's pretty much what it boils down to.
Eric: That's what they're
trying to do. I don't know if it's raining.
Five-O: In North Hollywood?
Eric: Yeah.
Five-O: Far out. So you're
still in the same area where you grew up.
Eric: Yeah, I am right down
the street from the very park where the incident
took place (laughter). Of course, Mr. Shatner is rolling the
dough and I'm still a block away from the incident. I don't
know what that says
Five-O: But you know he's
gone through many, many dry spells bankruptcies. There's
been lean years for sure. Scraping in the '70s.
Eric: The best thing is, there's
not a library shelf full of books out there that are partially
dedicated to hating me, either. All of my former co-workers
are allies. They don't talk crap about me when I turn my back
on them.
Five-O: Which brings me to
an important question: Did Shatner kill his wife?
Eric: (without hesitation)
Oh man, yes. I mean, come ooon of course he killed
her! (laughter)
Five-O: Unfortunately I can't
publish that.
Eric: Well, I don't know why
you can't. It's just hearsay
and slander. What's the big deal? Maybe there's no evidence
and maybe they couldn't prove that he killed her but
Five-O: I have to go the other
way and say he just married a lunatic, like Phil Hartman did.
It could have gone the other way she could have killed
Eric: What do you mean? She
killed herself?
Five-O: Yeah. It was a drinking
Eric: Right. Or was he tired
of her binge too and helped her into the pool? She got herself
loaded. But he helped her into the pool.
Five-O: Interesting. We'll
have to leave that in the capable hands of the tried and true
LAPD Blue. Dennis Fong can tell you the answer. The Trial
of William Shatner. Let's have a TV movie where Shatner is
put on trial for what happened to his wife. Of course, he'll
be exonerated at the end for lack of evidence and police misconduct.
"The glove... just doesn't fit. It's
Five-O: Of course he has to
function as his own lawyer. That's just essential.
Eric: Yeah, but that O.J.
thing. I don't know what to say about that. There's never
been more evidence on somebody.
Five-O: And speaking of Keystone
cops, O.J. played one of the greatest, Nordberg from Naked
Gun, which is basically a spoof on T.J. Hooker.
Eric: Have you heard anything
about him spending big money to find the real killers?
Five-O: Here's the news in
O.J.-land. He went to the USC practice before the big bowl
game. Now that USC is
on the scene again as a national force in football, he's gonna
suck it up. He went down there for practice and afterwards
they interviewed the players. They're like, "Aw, it was
just great having him here. It was just an honor to meet him."
And I'm thinking, this must be
enjoyable for the murder victims' families. Having these 18,
20 year-old kids totally idol-worshipping him on TV.
Eric: I can't believe that.
I thought the majority of people in the
Five-O: The celebrity trump
card rules in the room. And that translates onto TV and everything
else. When you're there, you're like, awww man, I known O.J.
my whole life! Fuck, he's this notorious figure. I can't wait
to get a picture with him.
Eric: When it first happened,
I was like, no way. He didn't do it. There's no way he woulda
done that. Everybody, I mean truly, everybody loved him.
Five-O: How long did it take
you to come around?
Eric: The Al Cowlings chase.
When I saw that slow speed chase, I decided that A.J. was
in on the actual murders. Because I think there had to be
two people. I know it was messy but I think it would have
been even more messy
Five-O: You think there were
two people on the scene doing the killing?
Eric: Yeah.
Five-O: That's a reading I
haven't heard. I'm not sure there's any evidence of multiple
Eric: I think it was that
Cowling guy. But I could be totally wrong. But why else would
he get involved in it?
Five-O: The thing is, these
crimes are common in South America. North America
too, just not as accepted. They're "dignity killings."
I think that's a thing that a guy does on his own. I think
he was more in the spy mode, lurking in the bushes, and something
made him say that was the night he was going to do it. He
had it planned.
Eric: Her kids, their kids,
were asleep in the place.
Five-O: Oh, man. That's heavy.
So O.J.'s going to find the real killers and we have to trick
William Shatner into confessing on a recording. Because you
know on TV if you trick somebody into confessing, it's all
automatically over you go straight to jail and it's
all over. They take you to jail without trial.
Eric: I wonder if he got a
DUI if we'd find out about it.
Five-O: The latest DUI was
Diana Ross. Queen Latifah before that.
Eric: And Nick Nolte, right?
Five-O: Maybe the sloppiest
of them all in the DUI category.
Eric: Was Winona in that?
Five-O: She got in a little
bit of drug trouble with what was in her purse
during the shoplifting spree, but I don't think she was behind
the wheel. Huh. The streets have been relatively quiet this
season. I wonder what that is. I mean, most celebrity DUIs
are handled probably by on-the-site bribe or just a wave-on
or whatever.
It's not as fun when celebrities are victims of DUI drivers.
It's better when they're carousing and screwing things up.
Eric: When they're slapping
motorcycle cops.
Five-O: By all means. Well,
I think we've done all we can today to recreate that perfect
moment of TV versus Reality.
Eric: Yes indeed. Welcome
to the other side of civilian life in Hollywood.
Speaking of killer TV, I was watching "Max X," this really
bad real video show, and they have footage of this hostage-taker
in Brazil - like you were saying about O.J. and dignity killings. This
guy's got his wife and brother-in-law hostage with a hand grenade and he
wants a gun and a car. They say, we'll give it to you one at a time - free the
brother-in-law and you'll get the car. So he does, and he takes the wife and the
grenade and the car to the place he's supposed to trade her for the gun. So the
cop hands in the gun, which they unloaded first, and the kidnapper is grabbing
it but the cop doesn't let go. And that buys a lot of time. So these other
cops swoop down and pull the wife out the window and everyone splits. So now
the grenade goes off and just splits this car apart. Shit is flying everywhere.
Then the best is, the cops just open up - Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom - full on,
unloading their guns and rifles into the wreckage. That was good television.
Forget "Ally McBeal." That was good TV.
